5 Ways Grantseekers Can Build Better Relationships with Funders

5 Ways Grantseekers Can Build Better Relationships with Funders

April 6th, 2017

  • WGW
  • April 6th, 2017

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Hint: Focus on their needs, not yours

In the urgency to create proposals, grantseekers sometimes forget that the biggest connection they have with funders is a mutually-beneficial relationship. People, not faceless corporations, give grants.

So, how can you, as a grantseeker, reach out to funders in a way that deepens the relationship?

1. Know the funders

Sound like a basic tip? The truth is that, in the hurry to get a grant, grantseekers may get overly focused on themselves and forget who they are reaching out to.

So, spend time getting to know your funders. Dedicate time to research them as much as you can through online information, like their website, press releases, online publications, and social media. When you reach out to them, you won’t ask questions that could have been easily answered by a glance at the funders’ FAQs page or by reading their About Us page. You’ve done your research!

Moreover, you’ll be able to phrase your questions in a way that shows you know the funders well ─ and want to know them better. For example, you can say, “I’ve studied your foundation, but I have a few questions that I didn’t see answered there. Do you have some time to provide details?”

2. Follow the funders’ preferred form of contact

Do they prefer email, text, or phone calls to keep in touch with you? You may assume that the means they use to stay in contact is their preferred form. However, you may want to ask them the simple (and thoughtful) question: “What’s your favorite form of communication?” or “How do you prefer me to contact you?”

Once you know what they prefer, follow it. If they said they prefer phone calls, but you hate making calls and prefer emailing, you may default subconsciously to emailing. Instead, be mindful of what funders want. Make the call.

3. Add some educational insights to conversations with funders

In your communications with funders, whether online or in person, drop some insights about your organization that will let the funders get to know it better. The key is not to force the insight. You don’t want to sound like that obnoxious, name-dropping dinner guest who only thinks of himself.

Let the insight into your organization fall naturally into the conversation. It can be as simple as “Speaking of [insert topic], we’ve [name something that your organization does that would interest the funder].” Or “We’ve had a similar [concern/success/etc.] at my organization. What we did was [insert a brief, interesting insight].”

4. Understand funders’ needs

This point ties into the previous one. Your focus is on a mutually beneficial relationship … and you already know why you are seeking a grant. However, in a discussion with funders, focus on answers to the following questions:

  • What’s in it for them?
  • Why should they specifically care about my organization?
  • How would it benefit them specifically?

The word “specifically” in the questions above is incredibly important. You want to deepen your connection to the funders. For example, if you answer the first question with “They should care because everyone in the world wants to eliminate world hunger,” you’re missing the mark.

As a grantseeker, you’ll want to show that you understand their exact needs. For example, a more explicit answer would be something like, “They should care because the food pantries in their community are servicing [specific amount] more people every month.”

5. Show funders what’s behind the magic curtain

Funders are becoming more open to seeing the stories behind the data they receive from grantseekers. So, consider ways to be more accessible in sharing your stories with your funders.

For example, if possible, invite funders to your site to get to know your organization and project better. Make sure the location and time works best for them. Be sure to ask funders what they want to see. You’ll save everyone time and focus on what they want to know. Then plan the visit carefully to highlight your best work.

During the visit, listen intently to what funders say or ask. In other words, don’t solely think about what you want to say; you may miss important information or questions. Also, let these constituents know what you plan for the organization’s next steps.

After the visit, send any information that funders requested as well as a thank-you letter.

If you’re unable to do a site visit, consider looking into any social media platforms you have that showcase your foundation. You may have an Instagram account that shows the progress on your project that needs the grant, or have compelling Facebook stories about people who will benefit from the money.

After all, funders, like grantseekers, are people. And a healthy relationship between people benefits both parties.

While we can’t build a relationship for you, we can make sure your grant proposals appeal to potential funders and check every box on their “must have” list. Get in touch today and let’s talk about acing your next proposal.

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